Friday, March 7, 2008

Things to Share....

When Josh first came home from the hospital I was to say the least an emotional wreck , I wrote these in the first week of his life and would like to now share them with you.


My Son I love you more than the world will ever know and more than most people will ever understand. I want you to know that I will always try to do what I think is best for you and that you may not always agree, but non the less I will. I will always love you and even when you don't think you can you will always be able to come to me when you need to no matter how mad you think I'll be. Nothing you can ever do will make me stop loving you! you are and will always be my son and the love of my life as long as we have each other we will never need any one else. I love you.

My Dearest Son,

Today you turned a week old!!! and of course like most new moms I cried!! Still want to infact. You are so small and still so very helpless and I know it won't be that way for long. I hate that this week has gone by so fast and yes even with all the pain I would go back in a heart beat to relive it all. This week has been fulled with more tears sleepless nights laughs and hugs than I thought possible. A real emotional roller coaster. One I would never trade and hope some day every one who wants to be a Mom gets to ride. You remind me every day how special life is and for that my dearest one I thank you and all I can say I how very much I love you.

Love always your,

Love, Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You so made me cry!
Hi Erie, it's Mish
Good looking kid you got there!